Frequently Asked Questions

What if I encounter more than 5 markers in my `seen` radius?

The current "recently seen markers" list will be cleared, and a random sampling of the new group of markers will be added to the "recently seen markers" list. The markers will be available to view in the "hamburger" menu.

When driving around, with "automatically speak markers" disabled, and new markers are added to the "recently seen" list, will those markers be spoken when they are "seen" again?


If you drive by that marker again, even though it has not been spoken, it will not be put in the "Recently Seen Markers" list again.

How can I get the App to speak markers again automatically?

The only way to do this is to reset the cache and start collecting markers again.

Can I check out the source code to the App?

Yes! Here is the link to the open source project on GitHub: http://github.com/realityexpander/fredsroadtripstoryteller

Is there a discussion group for the App?

Yes! Here is the link to the discussion group on GitHub: 